The Mission Of Marian Wright

Client: Single Article Date: June 1966 Services: English

Penny-Missouri Magazine Awards Winner

Ebony, November, 1967: The latest award came to us somewhat as a birthday present when, on November 1, in New York City, Associate Editor Ponchitta Pierce received an award of $1,000 in the first annual “Penny-Missouri Magazine Awards,” a competition co-sponsored by the J. C. Penny Company and the University of Missouri School of Journalism to honor excellence in women’s interest journalism in national magazines.

Miss Pierce, who was born in Chicago just three years before Ebony was first published, won first prize in the category of Special Interest in the competition with her story “The Mission Of Marian Wright” which spread in the June 1966 issue of EBONY. An EBONY staffer since 1964, Miss Pierce is an associate editor in our New York office.

Penny-Missouri Magazine Awards Winner